The Lower San Pedro River is designated an Important Bird Area (IBA) for its diversity of avian species. The COA is especially notable for its robust population of southwestern willow flycatchers and western yellow-billed cuckoos. Home to some of the only perennial water in this area of the Sonoran Desert, the Lower San Pedro River attracts a multitude of wildlife species which rely on this riparian habitat year-round. Portions of the river offer mature stands of cottonwood and willows and the river acts as a vital movement corridor for seasonal and annual migrations for birds and mammals. Much of the area is under threat due to groundwater pumping and the intrusion of invasive species such as salt cedar. Trespass cattle is an additional concern for their ability to significantly harm these sensitive riparian habitats.
Conservation Goals
- Remove invasive species such as salt cedar and restore native stands of cottonwood and willows to improve habitat quality and reduce wildfire potential.
- Maintain and increase surface water quality and quantity to improve rare riparian habitats for wildlife, both common and SGCN.
- Ensure groundwater pumping does not adversely affect the subflow zone.
- Improve management of livestock to restrict from the riparian area.
Primary Threats
1. Agriculture
3. Climate Change and Severe Weather
7. Human Intrusions and Disturbance
8. Invasive and Other Problematic Species
9. Natural System Modifications
10. Pollution
Potential Conservation Actions
2. Land and Water Management
- Adequately staff conservation areas to improve management.
- Identify and monitor existing and potential mining effluent.
- Improve management of trespass livestock that can damage the sensitive riparian habitats.
- Remove invasive salt cedar and restore habitats with native trees.
- Work with partners and private landowners to maintain/improve surface water for wildlife.
- Increase connectivity by removing barriers and impediments to species movement. Modify pasture and boundary fences to meet wildlife-friendly criteria to allow safe wildlife movement or provide wildlife crossing structures to minimize wildlife/vehicle collisions.
- Research possibility of American beaver reintroduction to restore natural riparian system function and increase habitat heterogeneity.
3. Species Management
- Restore and improve riparian habitats to support populations of southwestern willow flycatchers, western yellow-billed cuckoos, lowland leopard frogs, and other SGCN.
5. Law and Policy
- Improve enforcement of laws and regulations to reduce irresponsible recreational use (e.g. OHV and dumping) that can impair riparian habitats.
7. External Capacity Building
- Facilitate and fund collaborative organizations to improve coordinated management of the watershed.
Habitats Present
Strategy Species
Couch's Spadefoot, Lowland Leopard Frog, Woodhouse's Toad
Abert's Towhee, Arizona Bell's Vireo, Common Black Hawk, Elf Owl, Gould's Turkey, Gray Hawk, Lucy's Warbler, Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, Swainson's Hawk, Western Screech-Owl, Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Zone-tailed Hawk
American Beaver, Mexican Free-tailed Bat, Ocelot, Pale Townsend's Big-eared Bat, Western Spotted Skunk, Western Red Bat, White-nosed Coati, Western White-throated Woodrat, Yuma Myotis
Gila Monster, Ornate Box Turtle, Sonoran Spotted Whiptail
See Associated Aquatic COAs for fish species.
Protected Areas and Other Areas of Conservation Value
- Lower San Pedro River Wildlife Areas (AZGFD)
- Three Links Farm (TNC)
- Cooks Lake/San Pedro River Preserve (USBR)
Potential Partners
- US Fish and Wildlife Service
- The Nature Conservancy
- Audubon Southwest
- Tucson Audubon Society
- US Bureau of Reclamation
- Salt River Project
- Sonoran Joint Venture
- Arizona Land and Water Trust
- BHP-Billiton
Relevant Conservation Plans
- Transboundary Madrean Watersheds Landscape Conservation Design Report
- Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Recovery Plan
Associated Aquatic COAs
- Aravaipa Creek (Lower Aravaipa Creek)
- Buehman Canyon (Redfield Canyon - San Pedro River)
- Edgar Canyon Creek (Alder Wash - San Pedro R)
- Hot Springs Canyon (Muleshoe Coop Mgmt Area)(Hot Springs Canyon)
- Lower San Pedro Preserve-East Pond (Dodson Wash - San Pedro R)
- Lower San Pedro Preserve-West Pond (Dodson Wash - San Pedro R)
- Redfield Canyon (Muleshoe Coop Mgmt Area)(Redfield Canyon-San Pedro R)
- San Pedro River-Lower Reach (Near San Manuel-Gila R Conf.) (Tucson Wash, Dodson Wash-San Pedro R)
- San Pedro River-Middle Reach (Near St David-Near San Manuel, Ash Creek, Paige Creek, Redfield Canyon, Alder Wash-San Pedro R)