This perennial stream begins along the Mogollon Rim and flows south to its confluence with the Salt River. Canyon Creek provides important riparian habitat for both terrestrial and aquatic species. The area consists of primarily undeveloped portions of xeric-habitat with a small band of riparian vegetation along the stream channel. Canyon Creek has an AZGFD fish hatchery as well as a private ranch operation in the upper section of the creek. There is approximately 4 miles of perennial water before reaching White Mountain Apache tribal land boundary, where the majority of the creek flows until it reaches its confluence with the Salt River.
Conservation Goals
- Improve important riparian habitat for SGCN species through augmenting streamflow and habitat restoration.
- Restore habitats to their proper functioning conditions post wildfire and flood events.
- Increase forest and grassland resilience and sustainability and reduce hazards associated with undesirable fire effects.
Primary Threats
1. Agriculture
3. Climate Change and Severe Weather
7. Human Intrusions and Disturbance
9. Natural System Modifications
Potential Conservation Actions
2. Land and Water Management
- Increase forest and grassland resilience and reduce hazards associated with undesirable fire effects.
- Restore natural streamflow where previously altered.
- Reintroduce prescribed burns to increase habitat resiliency in these unique and diverse habitats.
- Continue to implement riparian and aquatic restoration to restore overall stream health.
3. Species Management
- Implement long-term monitoring protocols for native species and habitats to inform adaptive management.
- Improve habitat for riparian obligate SGCN such as the Chiricahua leopard frog and narrow-headed gartersnake.
- Reintroduce SGCN species such as Chiricahua leopard frog.
4. Education and Awareness
- Raise awareness of narrow-headed gartersnakes and Chiricahua leopard frogs by providing information through various outreach and signage.
Habitats Present
- Chaparral
- Madrean Woodlands
- Great Basin Conifer Woodlands
- Petran Montane Conifer Forests
- Petran Subalpine Conifer Forests and Alpine Tundra
- Lotic Systems
- Springs
- Wetlands
Strategy Species
Arizona Toad, Chiricahua Leopard Frog
Common Black Hawk, American Kestrel, Mexican Spotted Owl, Golden Eagle, Bald Eagle, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Grace's Warbler, Western Wood-Pewee
Mexican Free-tailed Bat, Southwestern Myotis, Yuma Myotis
Arizona Black Rattlesnake, Narrow-headed Gartersnake, Sonora Mud Turtle
See Associated Aquatic COAs for fish species.
Protected Areas and Other Areas of Conservation Value
- Mule Creek
Potential Partners
- US Forest Service
- National Forest Foundation
- Trout Unlimited
- US Fish and Wildlife Service
- AZ Department of Environmental Quality
- Mogollon Sporting Association
- US Army Corps of Engineers
Relevant Conservation Plans
- Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Recovery Plan
- Chiricahua Leopard Frog Recovery Plan
- Mexican Spotted Owl Recovery Plan