Arizona Wildlife Conservation Strategy

Houston Creek COA

Houston Creek drains approximately ten miles southeast from the Verde Rim into the Verde River, with its confluence approximately one and a half miles downstream of the East Verde River confluence. Houston Creek is normally dry from the Verde River upstream to Squaw Creek. Squaw Creek has perennial water for approximately a quarter mile, but the overall extent is unknown. Houston Creek also has areas of perennial water further upstream, but the extent has not been evaluated. Houston Creek is a medium priority management unit. Longfin dace, lowland leopard frogs, and crayfish are all present in Squaw Creek. Upstream portions of Houston Creek have been considered for stocking of roundtail chub, but additional surveys are required to determine if sufficient habitat exists. The primary management need is for additional surveys and an inventory of Houston Creek to determine the extent of perennial water and current species presence. These surveys could help inform development of management options that may include potential introduction of roundtail chub or other native species.


Verde River


Conservation Potential


Management Priority

Native Aquatic Species Management (None)

Primary Strategy Species


Longfin Dace, Roundtail Chub


Lowland Leopard Frog

Secondary Strategy Species