Lontra canadensis sonora Southwestern River Otter
SGCN Tier 2
Habitat Suitability Model
Habitat suitability models were generated at 30 m2 resolution. The map below aggregates predicted suitable habitat into 1 mi2 hexagons. The color of each hexagon represents percentage of 30 m2 pixels predicted to be present over the total number modeling pixels in each hexagon.
Habitat Suitability Models do not necessarily indicate the presence of a species in any particular location.
SGCN Score
The following scores are based on a vulnerability analysis AZGFD performed for each species. These scores determined SGCN status. For more information, refer to Chapter 1: Arizona's Biodiversity.
Extirpated Status
1 - Extirpated from Arizona
Federal or State Legal Status
0 -
Declining Status
0 - Insufficient data
Disjunct Status
0 - Insufficient data
Demographic Status
0 - Insufficient data
Concentration Status
0 - Insufficient data
Distribution Status
0 - Insufficient data