Pyrgulopsis sp. Bradshaw Mountain Springsnail
SGCN Tier 1
SGCN Score
The following scores are based on a vulnerability analysis AZGFD performed for each species. These scores determined SGCN status. For more information, refer to Chapter 1: Arizona's Biodiversity.
Extirpated Status
2 - Does not meet the criteria
Federal or State Legal Status
1 - Listed endangered or threatened -or- No open season in Arizona -or- Has a signed CCA, CCAA, Conservation Strategy and Assessment or Strategic Conservation Plan -or- Is covered under the Bald/Golden Eagle Protection Act
Declining Status
0 - Insufficient data
Disjunct Status
0 - Insufficient data
Demographic Status
0 - Insufficient data
Concentration Status
2 - Does not meet the criteria
Distribution Status
2 - Does not meet the criteria