Arizona Wildlife Conservation Strategy

Wildcat Creek (Upper Black River) COA

Wildcat Creek formerly supported a hybridized population of Apache trout. Low water flows have since limited available habitat and it is unknown whether Wildcat Creek continues to support trout populations. It will be primarily managed for Apache trout and secondarily for speckled dace and desert sucker. Should habitat issues be addressed and the downstream fish barrier on Centerfire Creek be improved, it will be evaluated for possible chemical renovation and re-stocked with Apache Trout in hopes of establishing a wild self-sustaining population. Critical habitat for New Mexico meadow jumping mouse is present on adjacent systems and this species could also benefit from habitat improvements and grazing exclusions.


Salt River


Conservation Potential


Management Priority

Native Aquatic Species Management (Native Sport Fish-Self-sustaining); Native Aquatic Species Management (Native Fish-Self-sustaining)

Primary Strategy Species


Apache Trout

Secondary Strategy Species


Desert Sucker, Speckled Dace