Arizona Wildlife Conservation Strategy

Verde River - Beasley Flat to full pool Horseshoe Reservoir COA

This section of the Verde River is a high priority unit because of the amount of habitat it provides for both native and sport fish and for its recreational uses. Continued availability of the sport fishing opportunity provided, and management for both sport fish and natives is important. The area ranks high for angler potential, but with most of the use at either the Horseshoe Lake end as accessed from Phoenix, or at the upper end near Camp Verde, and with limited access throughout much of the management unit. Because the sport fish population is self-sustaining, it doesn’t typically require specific management beyond monitoring. Given that the Verde is one of the main rivers in Arizona, that this is the largest perennial riverine management unit in the Verde system, and that native species persist in the system, management for native species is also important. This unit includes designated Critical Habitat for razorback sucker and spikedace, and proposed Critical Habitat for narrow-headed and Mexican gartersnakes. Roundtail chub, desert sucker, and Sonora sucker persist in this portion of the Verde River without specific management; and razorback suckers and Colorado pikeminnow have been stocked but with little success. The area is difficult to manage for small-bodied fish because of the diversity and abundance of non-native species including sport fish, bullfrogs, and crayfish. Management needs include continued monitoring, with specific stockings or other actions taken as decided appropriate. The effectiveness of pikeminnow, razorback sucker, and roundtail chub stockings needs to be evaluated, and a more clarified approach for managing these three species in the entire length of the main stem Verde River developed.


Verde River


Conservation Potential


Management Priority

Sport Fish Recreation (Sport Fish Warm Water-Self-sustaining); Native Aquatic Species Management (Native Fish-Self-sustaining)

Primary Strategy Species


Flathead Catfish, Largemouth Bass, Roundtail Chub

Secondary Strategy Species


Desert Sucker, Roundtail Chub, Sonora Sucker